Code of Conduct

In 2023, several workshops were held with employees of the BuddeGroup from Germany, France and the United Kingdom, in which a Code of Conduct was jointly developed. This Code of Conduct not only contains action-oriented specifications and guidelines for interpersonal and business interactions, but also reflects the corporate values that we as the BuddeGroup want to live by every day within the team and set an example for external partners.

Another important component is our commitment to anti-discrimination: we at BuddeGroup reject all forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia and queerphobia, ableism, classism, ageism and discrimination based on religion. We are actively committed to eliminating discrimination in our internal and external interactions.

We view the Code of Conduct as a dynamic, living document that must be continuously reviewed, expanded, and adapted and cannot be considered complete.

This Code of Conduct marks the beginning of a long-term process during which we strive to consistently enhance our business relationships.

Code of Conduct

A code of conduct structures interpersonal and business interaction. A code contains guidelines and directives for action. It reflects entrepreneurial values that are self-committal, but which are decisive in organizing working life.

Respect means listening attentively to each other and appreciating each other without judging hastily, and always considering the personal boundaries of each person involved

Empathy is the ability and willingness to empathize with and understand the feelings, thoughts and experiences of other people. An empathic environment is characterized by care and support. It implies listening to each other, respecting the personal stories and perspectives of others and responding to feelings with an understanding approach.

Integrity implies acting with honesty and respect, staying true to your values & words and making corresponding decisions even when no one is looking.

Equality means providing equal conditions for all so that everyone can realize their full potential.

Appreciation is about recognizing and acknowledging a person‘s contributions and achievements. An appreciative environment recognizes and acknowledges the efforts of others. This applies to all employees, regardless of their position or role.

Transparency is an open, honest and continuous flow of communication about the company‘s goals and the decisions that affect individual departments and employees.

Diversity describes the understanding that people are different in various ways, for example in terms of gender, religion, education and disability. The aim of diversity is to create and foster a tolerant coexistence.

Accountability implies feeling responsible for one‘s own actions and being accountable where necessary.

All people are different and yet have the same value. Equality involves recognizing social inequalities and reducing them internally.

Trust is a feeling of security that allows you to open up to one another. Showing respect for the interests of others creates trust.

Furthermore, initial regulations were formulated and prioritized on the basis of the selected values:

At BuddeGroup, we reject all forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, queerophobia, ableism, classism, ageism and discrimination on the basis of religion. We are actively committed to eliminating discrimination both internally and externally.

Internal guidelines
We create a safe space in which professional as well as personal concerns can be voiced.

We endeavour to create an error-friendly working environment.

We show trust in each other and support one another

We create equality by constantly reflecting on and eliminating our own and structural prejudices and discrimination.

We treat each other with empathy and respect.

Managing directors communicate openly and continuously with all employees.

We provide each other with direct and honest feedback in an empathetic and sensitive manner so that we can all grow together - challenge directly while caring personally

Guidelines for interacting with external business partners
We are solution-oriented and not problem-oriented.

Our business relationships and decisions are based on our values, which are anchored in this Code of Conduct.

We emphasize the importance of working with business partners who share our values and interact in a respectful and professional manner. This includes a thorough examination and continuous evaluation of potential and existing partnerships with regard to their consistency with the values of our group of companies.

We interact with business partners in a reliable, honest and transparent way.

We try to professionally support individuals and partners who are affected by marginalization and/or discrimination

While collaborating with our partners, we carry our values forward by acting on them and endeavoring to actively communicate them.

We treat our partners with respect and appreciation. We listen to them attentively and approach them with openness.